Friday, August 10, 2012

me kissing Jeremy

I'm going to employ a little bit of that old standby literary device known as hyperbole.

If there is a Higgs Boson particle of the Houston performing arts world, it just may be Jeremy Choate.

To much? Okay, maybe he doesn't hold the whole thing together, but he may be the common denominator to a good many theater, dance, and music companies. If there's a light booth in Houston he hasn't been in, I'd like to know about it.

Of course, I know Jeremy best through his work with dance companies. He's not simply a lighting designer, he's a light artist and dance especially lends itself to his gift. Go to his website and check out the photos. He definitely works some magic on the human body.

He also does light installation work. He's had shows in museums and galleries on each coast. Sadly, I've only seen pictures of them, but hope to see some "live" some day soon.

All this and he looks so chic in yellow-framed sunglasses. Not everyone can pull off that look. Jeremy makes it super cool. I'm lucky to have this moment of reflected cool.

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